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About RetuRO

About RetuRO

RetuRO is a company established by a consortium of three private shareholders and one public shareholder and appointed by law as administrator of the Deposit-Return System.
The company was formed as a dually managed company, based on the not-for-profit principle, which means that it has undertaken in its articles of association to reinvest any profits exclusively in the development of the system.

RetuRO’s shareholding

RetuRO Sistem Garanție Returnare S.A. was established, according to the legislation in force, by the representative associations of beverage producers and retailers to manage the deposit-refund system implemented in Romania. Subsequently, the company adopted the Romanian State as a shareholder.

RetuRO’s vision

viziunea RetuRO

We aim to create a country where everyone feels responsible for their environment and wants to keep it clean. We believe ReturoSGR inspires the desire for positive change, leading the way and providing the best solution for efficient collection and recycling.

We motivate today's citizens to act, so that tomorrow's generations can enjoy a cleaner, greener, more prosperous country. 

RetuRO’s mission

misiunea RetuRO

RetuRO's mission is to implement Romania's largest circular economy project - the deposit-refund system. With this project, we will be able to have a cleaner and greener environment and reach the collection and recycling targets set at European level by the new EU circular economy package.

The Deposit-Return System will boost the recycling market in Romania, providing significant quantities and quality of raw material.

RetuRO’s values


Social impact

Focusing on the future



Our guiding principle is responsibility. We strongly believe that our actions and decisions can impact the environment, society and the well-being of future generations. We fully commit to the important role we play in creating a more sustainable and environmentally responsible Romania.

If we are responsible for our actions, we lay the foundations for a cleaner future.

We believe in the transformative power of collective action. Together we build partnerships, collaborate with all stakeholders and connect with community members to create sustainable change.

We are creating a force bigger than any one of us, a force capable of rising up to all climate challenges.

Our vision extends beyond the present and we work tirelessly for Romania's sustainable future.

We seek innovative solutions and anticipate emerging climate needs. We invest in research and development to stay one step ahead of sustainable practices that can ensure a prosperous future.

We are prioritising efficiency, restructuring the Romanian recycling system, conserving raw materials and reducing waste, moving Romania towards a circular economy model that ensures a sustainable future.

We engage in open dialogue, sharing progress, successes and challenges with all our partners. We are transparent about our objectives, methods and impact.

We have a strong sense of accountability and encourage active interactions of people, government and partners.