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About DRS

Benefits of the Deposit-Return System

It is the biggest circular economy project in Romania, so far. It will make the country greener, cleaner and more responsible;

It will help us protect the environment, the packaging collected through DRS will no longer come from landfills or from nature – this is possible with the involvement of all Romanians, including local authorities and communities;

It will help us reach the collection and recycling targets set Europe-wide thanks to the European Union's new circular economy package.

We protect the environment: the collected packaging will be recycled and will not be thrown in garbage bins or in nature;

Through the Deposit-Return System we could collect 77% of PET by 2025 and 90% by 2029, targets imposed on Romania by the European Union.

It helps us reach the recycling target for aluminium and glass imposed by the EU (75% for glass and 60% aluminium from 2030).

Producers can reach their targets for packaging made from recycled PET, imposed by the European Union (25% by 2025 and 30% by 2030).